7 Must have chrome extensions for SEO

By Manav Jain

Extensions to help your SEO effort

‘The craftsmen are only as good as their tools.’ This statement makes more sense when quoted for a marketer. When it comes to marketing, if you don’t have wonderful tools that give you the required information, it can be hard to stay a step ahead, or even compete with your fellow marketers. Chrome extensions can make your life easier.

What are Chrome extensions?

Chrome extensions are small software made using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. The fundamental goal of an extension is to fulfill a single purpose around which the entire program is organized; it may have several components, but they must all contribute to the program’s core goal.

Google Chrome extensions are like tiny SEO tools that can be added to the browser and provide tons of information that can support your SEO strategy. There are dozens of SEO chrome extensions to choose from, here are 7 must-have SEO chrome extensions that can help improve the search engine optimization efforts in no time.

  1. Keyword surfer
    If you are struggling to find out which keyword you should be targeting, keyword surfer is your go-to extension. After installing keyword surfer, whenever you will search anything on the google search bar, keyword surfer will automatically add the monthly estimated search volume for that keyword along with the estimated cost per click. If you wanted to learn a google ad campaign, this feature would help you to verify if that keyword is worthy or not. Keyword surfer will also provide a list of keyword ideas, similar to your initial search in the form of a table along with the volume of that keyword.

  2. Fatrank
    Fatrank helps you determine where your site ranks for some of your targeted keywords. After installing fatrank, open your site, click the fatrank icon and enter the keyword you want to check your website’s ranking for. You can check the website’s ranking for as many keywords as you want and later on, a CSV file of the results can be exported to excel. It is advised to do this research on a monthly basis to compare results and analyze your performance.

  3. SERP trends
    SERP trends help you find out who is going up and down on the search results in your niche. After installing, you have to wait for a minimum of 24 hours to get results with SERP trends. This extension is helpful to analyze who is your most aggressive competitor by tracking who is going up or down for the keywords you are looking for.

  4. SEO meta in 1 click
    Without a doubt, meta tags are crucial in improving search engine ranking. SEO meta in 1 click extension helps find out meta tags like meta description, meta title, etc. Once installed, go to your website and click on the extension icon which would show a summary of existing meta tags on the page. SEO meta in 1 click extension highlights the irregularities, if any, present on your site. It can also be used to define the structure of a page, information about alt tags, and images on the page.

  5. Atom broken Link checker
    Having broken links on your site not only results in a poor UX but also puts it bad books of search engines. Too many broken links can be detrimental to your ranking so it’s important to fix them as soon as possible. With atom broken link checker, it is easier to locate the broken links on all the pages of the site.

  6. AHREFS toolbar
    AHREFS is one of the best SEO tools available in the market because of its amazing functionalities and data. AHREFS toolbar once installed directly displays data into search results in form of a table. It provides statistics such as the search volume of the searched keyword in a given country and globally, Its CPC, keyword difficulty, clicks, etc. Moreover, it attaches a toolbar to the browser which provides information like backlinks, domain rating, etc. of any given website. In addition to that, it also finds broken links to a page. If you have to download only one SEO extension, then the AHREFS toolbar is the way to go.

  7. PageSpeed insights
    As the name suggests, PageSpeed insights tell how fast a website loads on a mobile or a computer, which is obviously a very important ranking factor. This extension gives your site a score, the higher the score, the better your site is. Using PageSpeed insights, you can view the performance for both mobile and computer separately, as well as the pain points that tell where your site is lacking behind.

Using these extensions will help you save time, effort and improve your overall online visibility. Use these extensions to plan an effective strategy by keeping a tab on your competitor’s performance.